Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

Make money from home & start with no money. 5 Easy Steps!

First things first. Let’s not waste any time with stories, or intros, or sales pitches.

Number One:

WHY do you want to work from home? Your reason WHY is your greatest asset in a home-business. This is what keeps you on-task & motivated. Your reason WHY will keep you inspired & encouraged, focused & determined.

That’s why it should be intrinsic, intangible. Money, cars, a bigger house, jewelry…these things are wonderful to have. We all want and need them. But material things, I found, will never keep the living soul motivated, inspired & happy. Things will get old, fade, get lost, loose value. But Intangible things like helping others, helping yourself, better heath, longer life, laughter, a good night’s sleep…the need & love of these things don’t fade with time. Love, hope, joy, fulfillment, peace…these things will keep you inspired even when circumstances change. So…

  1. Identify your Why!

Building a business from home has a lot of daily distractions and challenges. So arm yourself with a strong, compelling & driving reason why you want it!

It’s a journey.
  1. Choose WHO you are helping, or WHAT problem you are solving, and target That audience. What do you have to offer? Think about the people you know: What are their Needs & Wants? If you offer something that enough people Need or Want, you will make a lot of money. (SUGGESTION: Search the Internet for the product or service you choose, and look for Affiliate information for the website that offers it.)
  2. A side-note! *You can’t please everybody, and trying to sell, share or promote to “everybody” is like yelling to a field of people, “Hey everybody!” No one will hear you. But if you yell, “Hey Mary!” you will get every ‘Mary’ in the crowd to notice you.*
  1. Find a platform to showcase your product or service to all the “Mary’s” of the world. There are people searching for what you are offering. Find them! *Forums, *Traffic Exchanges, *Social Media groups, *family, *friends, *neighbors, *community members…Create a list of people you know & fill their needs & wants. Talk to people about what you do. Start advertising with a platform that offers Free advertising, then start investing in Paid advertising when you can. 
  1. Learn all you can about what you are doing. Study! The more you learn, the more you’ll earn. Stay curious, my friend! And finally….(Drumroll…)
  1. Never give up. Never stop building. Learn from your mistakes, disappointments & hurtful experiences. Pick yourself up and keep going! Consistence, persistence, & endurance all circle back to your Purpose…Your Reason Why!

Working from home with any kind of Digital Business takes time, a lot of work and perseverance. Don’t believe the hype. There are no ‘get-rich-quick’ ways to make money working from home.

1. Search, 2. research, 3. ask questions, 4. focus & 5. study.

But with the right formula of invested time, resources & perseverance, it is ‘real’ fun and can be ‘hugely’ rewarding!